由武漢大學簡帛研究中心主持編輯,Brill(博睿)出版發行的Bamboo and Silk第6卷第1期(Volume 6 Issue 1)於2023年3月出版,以下是目次。
A Study of the Format
and Formation of the *Si gao 四告 (Four
Proclamations) of the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips (清華簡《四告》的形制及其成書問題探研) 1
Jia Lianxiang (賈連翔)
Rejoining Broken Slips
in the Shanghai Museum *Shi Liu wen yu Fuzi 史蒥問於夫子 Manuscript,
with a Preliminary Study of the People Featured in the Text (上博簡《史蒥問於夫子》拼合補説及人物試探) 22
Liang Jing (梁靜)
Remarks on the
Character Yan 延 in the Geling 葛陵 Chu
Manuscripts(論葛陵楚简中的“延”字) 40
Feng Chi (馮馳)
Reconsidering the Slip
Order and Reading of the Yuelu Academy Qin Wei li zhi guan ji qianshou 爲吏治官及黔首 Manuscript (嶽麓秦簡《爲吏治官及黔首》的編聯釋讀復議) 61
Chen Songchang (陳松長)
Rearranging the Slip
Sequence in the Wang Ji Manuscript in the Peking University Han
Bamboo-Slip Collection (北大漢簡《妄稽》編聯調整) 78
Yang Qian (楊茜)
The State of Research
in Early Chinese Legal History: a Review of Two Important Recent Annotated
Translations in English (秦漢法律史研究的史料狀況—兼評近期兩部出土法律文獻的英文譯注) 103
Arnd Helmut Hafner (陶安)